Saturday, June 20, 2009


Missed my blog...3 weeks without blog, facebook, online political news, etc..Not aware anymore about the hot issues and world.

I have just recovered from an illness. Because of You Ya Allah the Most Gracious and The Most Merciful I still have an opportunity to see the world...feel the great ni'mah that He showers to His creatures.....Alhamdulillah.

Now I realized why Allah always tests His man to face illness and sick. That of His Mercy to his man He tests him whether he would forget or remember Allah more. Allah loves His man who is suffering of illnesses calling and mentioning His Names many times.

Thank you zauji, anak-anak, mak and abah, relatives and friends for giving your full hands and supports together with doa' during my sickness. May Allah bless you all.


Min said...

Syukur sangat kalau kita diuji dengan kesakitan & kepayahan instead of diuji dengan kesenangan & dan kesihatan yg berpanjangan....

cahayaqalbi said...

min...pray for me...
hampa tu jaga la jugak pi london...takut kena selsema...risau

~albazrah~ said...

Assalamu'alaikum Kak Qalbi, alamat kementerian nanti dikma bagi. Jangan pos dulu. Dikma perlu informa depa dulu before Kak Bi post. terima kasih banyak. Hp dikma problem la.. Sudan punya coverage caukana.

Kakbi rajin2 makan ubat, baca selawat selalu. Burdah pun bca lah... Penyembuh mcam2 penyakit..Insya Allah

cahayaqalbi said...

tq dk ma...doa utk k bi...
